IceCTF 2016 - A Strong Feeling
Mon 15 August 2016
Category: CTF
Challenge description:
Do you think you could defeat this password checker for us? It's making me real pissed off! /home/a_strong_feeling/ on the shell or download it here
I started by loading the bin into radare2 and once I realized how big the main function was I just tried running it with input.
It looks like the sentence returned is different the more characters we get right and the same if we get the same number wrong. I had the idea to write a python script with pwntools that ran the binary over and over until a different sentence was produced:
from pwn import *
import string
charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "{}_#"
context.log_level = 'error'
flag = "I"
b = ELF("./strong_feeling")
p = process(b.path)
out = p.recvall()
while flag[-1] != '}':
for c in charset:
p = process(b.path)
newout = p.recvall()
if newout != out:
out = newout
flag += c
print flag
The results were quite satisfying:
Flag acquired
And yes I realize now that this could have just been solved with angr, but this was a cool way to do it too!