Autoruns is a tool that is part of the Microsoft Sysinternals suite. It comes in permutations of console/GUI and 32/64 bit versions. Its main purpose is to detect programs, scripts, and other items that run either periodically or at login. It's a fantastic tool for blue teams to find persistent execution, but it is not perfect! By default, autoruns hides entries that are considered "Windows" entries (Options menu -> Hide Windows Entries). There is a checkbox to unhide them, but it introduces a lot of noise. In my preparations to red team for the Information Security Talent Search (ISTS) at RIT and the Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Comptition (MACCDC) this year I found a few ways to hide myself among the Windows entries reported in Autoruns.
For some prior work done in this area check out Huntress Labs's research and Conscious Hacker's research.